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01/28/22 - 01/29/22
4:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Old book with magic lights on wooden table by candlelight

Join Zenju Earthlyn Manuel at Spirit Rock Meditation Center – ONLINE
January 28th – 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm Pacific Time
January 29th – 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Pacific Time


Spiritual writing is often presented as a spiritual practice. But foremost, it is a method of inquiry and clarification of the wisdom that emerges from daily life. This retreat will offer ways to access, from the seat of meditation, the voice of silence and nature. We will also discuss how publishing can be used as a vehicle for sharing dharma teachings with others. Our time together will include periods of meditation and short writing exercises in distilling the essence of the teachings you would like to share. This retreat will be most beneficial to those who are dharma teachers or those who have used writing as practice or inquiry over the years.