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05/14/21 - 05/15/21
9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Weekend Retreat
May 14th – 15th – 2021

Opening Public Talk – May 14th – 7 pm – 9 pm Mountain Time

Saturday Sit – May 15th – 9 am – 4 pm Mountain time

Place: ONLINE – Minnesota Zen Meditation Center


We are living with the coronavirus pandemic. We are also living with a pandemic of grief and hatred underlining the virus. Every morning we wake up from our dreamworld, after a minute we realize that something has died. That the world is not as we knew it. There may be no words, just this sinking feeling in the gut that life itself is being threatened by the very act of breathing. And yet we must continue to breathe, to live despite heavy loss and conflict. How do we survive and thrive? How do we find a deep peace?

In this retreat we will explore the things that threaten our lives—personally and collectively. We will look at what it means to live in the midst of chaos, disruption, and the deterioration of what we once knew. And, through sitting meditation, poetry, dharma talks, and discussion we will engage what is difficult, holding it in healing and liberating ways.