[photo by Vaschelle Andrè – Center: Zenju Osho(L.) and Senior Dharma Teacher Shosan Victoria Austin (R.) and guest doan for our ceremony, Dyna Erie (far right back]


Still Breathing Zen Sangha

This sangha developed at a time of increased anti-blackness in the country. We decided to explore the dharma (teachings of Buddha) with what we were experiencing living with internalized oppression. The odyssey continues. It is not a simple walk of applying Buddha’s teachings as they are named and listed but finding a way through the teachings to an experience of liberation. Our experience we know comes and goes but it is crucial that we turn inward in understanding the external conditions of this life in the context of the overall human condition and developing discernment for taking action. We are building a community of liberation and therefore do not have drop-in and out attendance or a public schedule.

Zenju Osho also has students outside of the Still Breathing Sangha of all backgrounds, but she is currently not taking on new students unless referred by herself or other sangha members that have known you for some time and you must be of black African descent.

While we are a sangha of African descent, we invite people of color in general to occasional retreats led by Still Breathing or other Buddhist or healing circles led by Osho Zenju across the country (mostly online).

At the same time, Osho Zenju has aspirants from every background and walk in life who do not sit in the sangha. She provides the teachings freely and openly to everyone. See Events