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06/11/19 - 06/13/19
All Day

Garrison Institute

Zenju Earthlyn Manuel will present at the Mind and Life Institute at the summer session in June 2018 – Contemplative Practices and Social Flourishing

Topic for Zenju Earthlyn Manuel:The Quest for Serenity Among the Disenfranchised
This talk explores the spiritual quest of those who are impacted by systemic oppression and the ways the quest focuses on personhood and the need to access true liberation and wellness. There has always been the call for human dignity by those who are dehumanized, which leads to a deep yearning to discover one’s own human beingness. This discovery often takes place through actions such as meditation, stillness or deep contemplation. In essence the spiritual quest is less about the religion one takes up and more about which path will lead to a sense of thriving despite the eruptions caused by prolonged mistreatment and the fire spewed upon certain groups of people. Our lived experiences shape our spiritual quests.

Applications are being accepted now.  go to:

The Mind & Life Summer Research Institute (SRI), now in its sixteenth year, is a week-long immersive, residential program held annually at the Garrison Institute in New York designed to foster collaborative research across the sciences and humanities, based on a process of inquiry and dialogue with contemplative practitioners and professionals engaged in applied work. The long-term objective is to advance the training of interdisciplinary scholars and practitioners interested in exploring the influence of contemplative practice on mind and behavior, brain function and health, including the potential role of contemplative methods in shaping and enriching human experience, society, and consciousness. The program incorporates academic presentations, informal breakout groups, poster presentations, and regular contemplative sessions, including daily yoga and a full-day silent retreat. This program is designed to provide opportunities for deep dialogue across disciplines as well as inquiry through first-person reflection and meditation practice. SRI participants become eligible to apply for the Mind & Life Francisco J. Varela Research Grants.